For us, this journey began with only a vague familiarity of the kind of spaces we would encounter, and an even vaguer understanding of what being in the presence of such intimate trust really means. In the very first meeting we had with participants from Northern Ireland and the UK, it was explained to us that we were to meet individuals that have agreed to be filmed, but that some of them were apprehensive after past experiences with film crews attempting to influence the dynamic of the groups and sometimes even imposing certain situations to generate a response.
While we as filmmakers and storytellers understand the approach taken by the other crews as a sometimes necessary tool in trying to tell a story, we decided to try and be as observational and non-intrusive as possible with our shooting of the workshops. At first we thought this might be a sacrifice we must be making in the name of dramatic effect. But what we learned instead is that we had earned the trust and friendship, and indeed a deeper connection with the participants of our film than we could have ever dreamed. The workshops happened as if we were not there, we were told at the end, and the participants did not feel pressured to ”perform” for the cameras. The added element to this connection was the fact that we also became part of the circles at the end of the 3 day meetings. We would share our experiences and become truly vulnerable in front of the group, just as they were in front of us. The bond that had been strengthened by our commitment and trust has made many moments during shooting seem a lot more personal than their original context may suggest. At times during shooting, a decision to go close up on the facial expression of one particular character might have been an emotional reaction on the part of the camera operator, transforming the experience more and more into a labor of love.
The trust and compassion that we have witnessed and that has been instilled in us has inspired us to stay true to the mission of transmitting the stories we've heard to the world in the most compassionate way possible, in the hopes of inspiring in others the same compassion that we have experienced while in those rooms.