Louise Little
Louise Little was born and raised in Belfast, to a Protestant family with a strong Unionist-Loyalist background. Her grandfather, Gusty Spence, was one of the founding members of the UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force), known as the most violent Loyalist paramilitary organization. The first time Louise met her grandfather was in prison. On her visits as a young girl, and he would tell her stories from the old days, as well as inspire her to become a peacemaker. He would talk of his transformation in prison, and the importance of creating change especially among young children, so that they would never become indoctrinated to hate those on ”the other side”. Gusty became a mentor to another young prisoner, Alistair Little, who he helped transform from an angry and vengeful young paramilitary into an agent of change and peace. Years later, after Gusty’s death, Louise would eventually marry Alistair. Louise never stops working for peace, and always with a passion and a smile that has immeasurable strength. She has a calming presence matched by a bold honesty and dedication to the truth.